My Amazing Courses

These courses will literally save your life.


The days of randomly answering questions from traditional question banks are over.

Our state-of-the-art algorithms will identify your strengths and weaknesses, and create a personalised learning journey, specifically for you.

Course thumbnail

How not to die of Covid-19

This course runs through the full range of life hacks on how to be a functioning member of society and not kill everybody's grandparents with the great plague of 2020.

From £50

About Medibuddy

About Medibuddy

Medibuddy is a medical education initiative which aims to make life easier for junior doctors applying for their training posts.

We have assembled a team of doctors who have all secured some of the most competitive jobs in their specialities and are passionate about passing on the tips and preparation methods they used to prepare for interview. Modern specialty interviews are essentially exams and require you to prepare like you would for an exam, in order to achieve the best possible rank. Medibuddy will provide you with the knowledge you need to answer interview questions to the best of your ability.