How not to die of Covid-19

This course runs through the full range of life hacks on how to be a functioning member of society and not kill everybody's grandparents with the great plague of 2020.


The Benefits of Adaptive Learning

Adaptive courses significantly improve knowledge retention, learning speed and user engagement compared to traditional courses. By adapting the content to your needs, the course will be more accessible. This data-driven, personalised learning approach supports your learning and progress.

  • Faster and higher quality student progression

  • Adapts to different abilities

  • Improves understanding

The days of randomly answering questions from traditional question banks are over. Medibuddy’s state-of-the-art algorithms will identify your strengths and weaknesses, and create a personalised learning journey, specifically for you.

There’s never been a more efficient or effective way to prepare for the MSRA.

With over 3500 clinical problems solving questions and 100 professional dilemma questions specifically written for the MSRA, the Medibuddy adaptive MSRA question bank has all you need to score highly.

Preparing for an exam while working a full-time job is incredibly challenging. Every minute counts and it’s vital that you focus your time on the most important topics for you.

Our adaptive question-bank will identify the areas of the MSRA syllabus that will have the biggest impact on your exam score. You’ll then be asked the questions you need, right when you need them.

The Medibuddy adaptive MSRA question bank personalises your learning journey in real-time. Sophisticated algorithms will continually calculate your mastery level for each topic as you progress through the question-bank. As your mastery level increases, so too will the difficulty of the questions.


Entirely flexible learning

Our platform is flexible so you can use it in whatever way works best for you. You’ll have the option to switch between the adaptive and traditional style question bank whenever you want. This means that if you want to have more control over your revision and focus on specific areas you can.

Our traditional mode is set out just like a normal question bank, where you can filter questions based on specialty, incorrectly answered, unseen etc.

Best of all – any questions you answer in traditional mode will be automatically factored into adaptive mode, so your mastery level will continue to go up as you improve.

Never forget what you've learned

To ensure that you’re fully prepared for the exam, questions that you get wrong will be intermittently re-asked to check your understanding. If you get them right the second time, your mastery level will go up and the algorithm will adapt accordingly.

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Testimonial icon

Michael Mercer

United Kingdom

"Proin iaculis, ex sed pharetra lacinia, ipsum quam viverra velit, nec condimentum nunc sapien a neque. Fusce vestibulum quam non est consequat molestie. Cras eget mi vestibulum elit vehicula vulputate. Morbi ultricies lorem et ligula maximus, sed volutpat mi molestie."

Craig Taylor

United Kingdom

Course Syllabus

The course is split into 0 modules and 0 sub modules. Each module covers a key topic area, which align with core areas of the MSRA exam. Each module addresses techniques and knowledge for these areas.


How does the algorithm decide what questions to give me?

How does the algorithm decide what questions to give me?

How does the algorithm decide what questions to give me?

How does the algorithm decide what questions to give me?

Sign up for the course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra lobortis posuere. Ut tortor dolor, pharetra vitae tempus at, porttitor eget urna.

  • 10,000+ Questions

  • Over 50 hours of video explanations

  • 100 written learning materials

  • 30-day money back guarantee